mini snowman...

© Summer Murdock 365

Do you wanna build a snowman? My kids have been dying for it to snow...and this is the most we've had this winter so far which is abnormal but she made due with what we got. She's good at that

shadow santa...

Summer Murdock 365
Summer Murdock 365

I can always feel the excitement in the air on the last morning of school before Christmas break...and this morning was no exception. Takes me right back to when I was their age and on that day I remember always feeling like Christmas was FINALLY right around the corner....

and this guy had his class party hat on as he walked out the door...

my firstborn....

© Summer Murdock 365

this kid.. he rarely lets me photograph him...not willingly at a least and he doesn't love me to post the photographs on social media so I honor that with him and always ask permission before I do. On this day I asked him if I could take his picture and he said yes. No hesitation. We had a moment where the love in the room was overwhelming for both of us. I got a handful of images of him that I love and he gave me permission to share them even. These mean the world to me...it's funny how an image of him that I love melts me in a different way than of my other more willing kids....I guess it speaks about our human nature and how you often take for granted the things that are given to you more often...he makes me appreciate my photographs and reminds me how important and meaningful they can be.

a portrait of all four

© Summer Murdock 365

I hate asking them to pose for me. HATE it but with four kids sometimes I have to force them to sit for a few minutes to get a portrait of all of them together. You'd be shocked how hard it is to get them all four together in the same frame organically. Usually I walk away frustrated but this time I got one that i kinda like.