all by myself...

Summer Murdock 365
Summer Murdock 365

The last two days have been a bit stressful around here...so today when my youngest was at preschool I hopped in the car and headed up the canyon near my house. I only had an hour but man it felt good to be outside and by myself without any cell service. This year I am trying hard to make time to do something ALL BY MYSELF once a week. Who knows a self-portrait series might even come from it. This selfie thing? It’s freaking hard for me. I feel really awkward in front to the camera but I am posting anyways because it makes me squirm to do this...and that means it’s pushing me outside my comfort zone which is always good. So bring on the awkward off to the side gaze where I am pretending I don't know my picture is being taken....ha! #summersdatewithherself

birthday boy....

© Summer Murdock 365

a celebration for the day he was born, new year's eve, and a WHOLE YEAR in photos....and I'm going to keep going. When I first started this project I never would have imagined I'd even consider doing it two years in a row....