"10 on 10"...june edition

© Summer Murdock Utah Family Photographer

I'm trying to turn over a new leaf with my personal work. I have perfectionist tendencies. If I don't feel everyone in the frame looks perfect, I often overlook images. I'm determined to get over this. I have four kids all of which have the camera put in their faces on a regular basis. They get sick of it and could care less about when I ask them to do something for the camera. My tricks are getting old.  It is WAY easier to photograph other peoples kids I tell ya. I NEED more images with EVERYONE in the frame. It's hard to get four kids and one husband all in the frame in a perfect yet not cheesy posed way. SO I'm going to let go....if I don't I will look back one day and regret not having many images of everyone together. It's my new challenge for myself....and in that spirit I give you my "10 on 10" for the month...in a cool little spot I found on a walk the other morning! Love discovering new hidden gems...

Now go visit Nicole Dyk of Nicole Dina Photography to see what her "10 on 10" is all about!