child's play...february edition

Last month I read a BEAUTIFUL post by Jude Wood (one of my FAVORITE photographers). In this post she talked about how she's always taking her kids to do all kinds of activities like swimming, sledding, going to the park etc. One of her children pointed out that she didn't spend time playing with them. She said "came as quite a shock to be honest. i was certain that i was doing a good job. to a child, to play is to imagine. none of those activities involved imagination" So one of her goals for 2013 is to play with her children for 15 minutes everyday. This post really hit home for me. I'm am TOTALLY guilty of this myself. Since reading that I have made an effort to play with my children 15 minutes a day!. Hasn't happened every day BUT it has happened ALOT more than it was before. The best thing about it is my kids LOVE it. Some days it is hard for me to drop everything and get lost in their world but some day's it is PURE fun. I can tell it is helping build stronger relationships with my kiddos! Imagination is a powerful thing and I want my kids to have TONS of it! So when Jude asked me to join her I jumped at the chance! It's avery important project called "Child's Play"'s a project less about perfect pictures (because it's hard to play and photograph at the same time) and more about documenting us truly playing with our kids! One of this little gal's very favorite things to do is play "tichen". We dressed up in big sister's dance costume (or part of it), we washed our hands (a lot), made soup, washed dishes, made cupcakes, sang happy birthday, and blew out the candles!

© Summer Murdock Utah Family Photographer
© Summer Murdock Utah Family Photographer
© Summer Murdock Utah Family Photographer

Now go visit another SUPER talented lady and friend Ginger Unzueta who will show you her version of "child's play"!