my boy and the sea…

A couple weeks ago we spent a few days at the beach in southern California. This beach was literally my front yard for several years of my life as a kid. I think when you spend so much time there as a child, it becomes part of you in a different way than just vacationing there. I love the ocean. When I was younger, I could spend hours out there in this cold ocean and it never seemed to bother me. Maybe I'm just forgetting. Maybe I'm getting old, but man this water is COLD! The waves are pretty big here for my younger kids to venture out very far but my oldest, me,  and my camera spent some time out there together. It was exhilarating for me…FREEZING but amazing. This was the first time my camera has come with me in rougher surf (and by California standards these waves were small). I wish I lived by the ocean as I could get used to being out there with my camera (as long as I had a wetsuit). I give you "what my boy in the sea looks like"..

© Summer Murdock Utah Family Photographer Underwater Photography
© Summer Murdock Utah Family Photographer Underwater Photography
Summer Murdock Photography Salt Lake City Photographer
Summer Murdock Photography Salt Lake City Photographer

 Now go see what beauty Amy Grace of A Beautiful Life Photo'smonth brings…her post's always make me stop, breathe a bit deeper, and look a bit longer….