project 20/52

All year I have been doing a little personal photo project. I haven't really shared much of it on the blog. It's a 52 week project or one photo a week for a year. Each week there is a theme. This week's theme is motherhood and as many of you mommas out there know, May is a busy month when you have kids in school. I have hardly picked up my camera the last two weeks. I've been running all over: piano recitals, baseball games, soccer games, preschool programs, kindergarten graduation, dance recitals, class parties and the list goes on! I did manage to capture this moment though. This is my kindergartner. She is growing up so fast (makes me wanna cry) but this is motherhood. It's my job to make sure all these little monotonous things (like homework) get done so they can grow up to be responsible adults. It's really hard a lot of the time and I must admit that 8:00pm (aka bedtime) might be favorite time of day on many days. BUT there are always times during the day when I have little moments that make it all worth it. Sometimes they are silly things like watching my growing 6 year-old-soon-to-be-1st-grader do her very last kindergarten homework assignment and feeling the depth of just how much I love her...motherhood SO HARD yet so REWARDING!

PS If you want to see my other project 52 photos head on over to my flickr photostream here.