The old folks matter too...

LOVE these two! They put up with all my teenage drama, supported me through the roller coaster that was my college years, and are the BEST grandparents to my kiddos.  I couldn't ask for more. They continue to love and support me today in all I do!  We took these photos this summer when they were here visiting. (yes, this is the first time anyone has seen any of the photos I took that day) It's a task to get these two in front of the camera but I just love these photos. Maybe they really speak to me because I have so few pictures of these two people. I think looking at them, you get a little glimpse into the funny, quirky,  spunky, and awesome people they are! LOVE you Mom and Dad!

ps...I am aware that the title of this post could be offensive to some including my parents but I think I'm funny so I'm sticking with it! :)